Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Easter has come and gone...till next time then...


When the cock crowed three times u were the first to run
U deny ur own blood because of ur cowardice
Don’t forget the child always looks like the parent
Forget not that u laid with his mother
Come Sunday and holy days u sing praise songs to ur God
Hypocrisy is ur calling card…u speak the words, talk the talk, but can’t walk the line of sacrifice
Empty gestures to boost ur ego, but forget not that ur day of reckoning will come
Whether the cock crows or not, the dawn shall arrive and the moon rise up high in the sky
U have already failed once remember…it’s among the unmentionable subjects

U rode the backs of ur own blood to the top but
Hell if u’ll sacrifice a little of ur own yet u call urself His disciple
Always demanding homage to ur goodness…what will u say when ur name is called
Of course rattle off the good u done to ur own benefit…ur name is a salve for our wounds
It’s not whether u offer water to a dying man but when u make the offer
A tree bears fruit when the rains arrive on time…. little that it may be…..otherwise it perishes
Desert ur own when they need u most....shame on u
To whom a lot is given a lot is expected ahhhh but u know already what it says in the good book
U can’t walk the line of sacrifice

U know the path to my door, have no shame when u desire what little that I have
Yet u speak ill behind my back
What u have is ur own even if others paid for it….scorpion and his best friend the frog
All I ask is to be left in peace to find my own